Monday, April 30, 2012

What is ahead: Ideas for possible layout and agenda; peak at first project post.

I, GeoJessicaB, will attempt to blog 3 to 4 entries per month, or roughly once per week. A topic may be revisited multiple times per month, if not the entire month. Or, if I'm really hustling, a completely new topic every week. For the next week, and possibly the one after, I will focus on parks.

Peak into next week:

Girvin Road Park.

GRP is a small suburban park located in the area of Jacksonville that I have grown up in. Of the hundreds of times that I have passed the park, I never went in. We never went in. It had a bad reputation. And it was dangerous, according to me. Alas, I wanted to look into this particular park and feel it out for what it is. What could be a nice park, if the trash were picked up and the city beautified the landscape, is bland and unsettling. I kept looking over my shoulder, and it is a nice area of town. But this is just my view; it is still used by the residents of the area. I had not been by in a while, especially since I moved to Tallahassee in January. Maybe the park has changed?

P.S. An explanation of the picture with the accompanying post.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Geo Jessica B

First Post: Get to know me from all Quadrangles!

I shall start by introducing myself:

My name is Jessica. I am a senior at the Florida State University (Go Noles!) majoring in Geography with a minor in Environmental Studies. I am a student of the Earth and have always been interested in people and place, and more recently the physical environment. P.S. I am on the prowl for internships!

Confession time:

As of this second, as I type this introduction, I have no solid goal to achieve in this blog. However, I do know that I want to improve my writing and communication skills, as well as learn as much as possible about my areas of study. So, in that sense, I do have a goal which is to blog about various topics related to geography, the environment, nature, global issues, culture, etc. And I am no photographer, but I will add a pretty picture every post.

I have no idea what my specific "writing style" is, but if there is one thing that I have learned during my first semester at Florida State, it is to think deeper and think critically. I hope to devour every blog post with deep and critical thinking and broach underlying subjects, issues, and topics.

Enjoy the posts! And thanks so much for reading!

Tweet me @GeoJessicaB!

(That's me!--> )