Sunday, December 2, 2012

Reality Shows Rule the Roost?

I watch reality televison for entertainment. I also watch it for the regional differences. I will make an extened post (including/editing my Jersey Shore post) that discusses my thoughts on reality shows.

From my FaceBook:

"Blog idea--> for people who saw Jersey shows "Make Italians look bad" and the Baskeball Wives "Make Black women look bad" and Shahs "Makes Persians look bad" ...are they forcing the idea of the other upon themselves and allowing a tv show define an individual?"

THINK OUTSIDE OF THE TELEVISON BOX! There is no way that Reza, Snooki, Nene, or ANYONE on ANY reality show can represent you--YOU represent YOURSELF!!

they are allowing a handful of people represent the entire group, they are idiots. Race/ethnicity/culture/heritage is unique in that we have no choice of what we are born into. With that being said, I can't let every black woman that I see on tv represent who I am. It's just silly and shows the shallow depth of their intelligence.

Work. In. Progress. [currently unorganized]

*From the Shahs of Sunset Facebook page:-)

Thanks for reading!!

Geo Jessica B