Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just an environmental thought...

I can't wait to complete this paper for environmental sci. It is about coal, politics, and the social/environmental/economic costs. I understand the temptation to utilize the fuel resources here on our soil but polluting the Earth will hurt us. We can get really sick really fast, not to mention completely deplete the resources. Then what? Gov. Mittens claims these will last us the next 200yrs; I don't believe it but I am definitely looking into it. Alas, what happens when these resources deplete? The push for renewable resources is not just to "save trees" , it is also to ensure that future generations will live in a world where their environment doesn't attack them (extreme natural disasters), they have clean air/water, and they can still run their cars. Solutions? My suggestion is continuing the President's funding of green and alternative energy that won't smog up our skies (ex. Los Angeles and Mexico City) or melt our icebergs (which contain FRESH water). Facts over Fiction! WE AS HUMANS ARE A PART OF NATURE! Not separated from it. We depend on the biological processes of the Earth to ensure our continuance. So next time you think it's funny for trying to "stop the rise of the oceans", think about how you'd like to have lung cancer.

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